Shaping Lives Consultancy Owner
Annette Fraser, also known as Anna, is a highly experienced therapist, registered lecturer and workshop trainer. She uses a humanistic approach to help clients develop greater self-awareness, self-acceptance and emotional resilience to achieve their desired outcomes, focusing on the individual's unique needs and experiences. Her services are tailored to the individual to develop a better understanding of yourself with a focus on empowerment and self-discovery. Annette offers a range of services, including workshops, individual face to face and online counselling.
Training packages & workshops
I am a charismatic Public Speaker and enjoy the platform of making relevant, specific, effective and powerful speeches before audiences, large or small on a range of subject matters.
I deliver workshops and presentations to varying audiences ranging from Local Authorities, Community Safety Teams, Schools and Colleges, Local Community Groups, various organisations and private companies. I write training packages for organisations and I offer a wide range of one hour webinars or two hour or four hour workshops at your offices, some of which are listed here:
Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults
Professional Boundaries
Child Sexual Exploitation
Safeguarding Awareness including Radicalisation
Mindfulness Techniques
Confidence Building
A Guide to Self Compassion
Controlling Emotions
Conflict Management
Steps towards Self Healing
Raising Self Esteem
Dealing with Anger & Aggression
Suicide Awarenesss
Panic Disorder
Coercive Control
Unconscious Bias
Learning from Failed Relationships
& Tailor made packages specific to the needs of your organisation.
You can find contact details for me on our contact page. Please send an email for price guides and information. Alternatively simply request a call back from a member of staff, we'd love to hear from you.